Nutritional and lifestyle visit

To define an adequate nutrition plan together with patients, which gives energy, the best physical and mental shape and aims for longevity, careful and accurate listening to their history is essential.

My approach to diet does not consist of transferring “rules”, but the awareness of a dietary style that is in synergy with the other pillars of health: physical activity, inner harmony, rest and food supplementation.

My approach

A dish with a low glycemic impact does not have the right effect if not related to physical activity or a correct rest-wake rhythm.
When useful to the patient, information is provided on the use of supplements, plants and natural healing and anti-aging substances.

At each nutritional check, the progress of the dietary therapy, the problems detected, any changes to be made to the therapeutic program are evaluated, all accompanied and supported by notions of nutritional and physical education.

Alone we go fast, together we go far…

Very competent collaborative dieticians have been present in my practice for some time. Dr. Laura Lodi participates with me in the development of the diet and we alternate visits under my supervision, to provide patients with an always up-to-date, efficient and complete service. .

Who we address:

  • healthy people who want to improve their diet to stay healthy and reduce the risk of chronic diseases;
  • healthy people who find themselves in particular periods of life during which nutritional needs change (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, old age);
  • people suffering from pathologies such as overweight, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, myocardial infarction), dyslipidemia (hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia), diabetes (autoimmune or insulin dependent, non-insulin dependent, gestational), chronic renal failure, pathologies of the digestive system (dysphagia, gastritis, gastro-esophageal reflux, colitis, chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases, liver disease), FODMAP protocol, food allergies and intolerances, hyperuricemia, thyroid diseases.

Therefore, personalized dietary programs are prepared for:

  • Weight gain or loss
  • Celiac disease, allergies and food intolerances
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause
  • Pediatric age
  • Adolescent age
  • Anti-aging, purifying, draining and detoxifying programs
  • Vegetarian diets
  • Any eating-related disorder
  • Prevention of malnutrition in elderly subjects

What to bring to the visit

Once you have booked your appointment, fill out the form below and at the first visit you will need to bring:

  • 1
    This document filled out by the attending physician (also useful for tax deductions) concerns the request for diet and reporting of pathologies.
  • 2
    Most recent blood tests (here are the necessary ones) and, if present, other medical reports relating to any ongoing pathology. Children must bring the growth chart from birth with percentiles, issued by the pediatrician, recent reports and only the analyzes that the pediatrician deems appropriate. The child will not be weighed to prevent him from feeling “hospitalized”, but nutrition education will be taught through play.
  • 3
    Diary of your usual diet
  • 4
    FILL OUT THIS ONLINE FORM (there is no need to print it: it will arrive via email)


If you would like information or want to make a reservation, leave me your message below. My team will respond as soon as possible!

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    The passion for my work is nourished by your words.

    Grazie dottoressa Acquaviva, senza sforzi ma divertendosi mio figlio ha imparato ad avere un’alimentazione sana. Ora verdura, legumi…. sono i benvenuti!

    Michela T.


    Sono venuta da Lecce per incontrare la Dottoressa Acquaviva. Già sapevo che era la persona giusta per me: dopo anni di diete, mi sono sentita ascoltata e trattata con molta umanità, lei ha compreso il mio problema. Ho perso tutto il peso in eccesso e oggi sono felice nel mio corpo. Grazie al suo metodo di lavoro non ho dovuto solo seguire “la dieta”, ma ho imparato a gestire la mia nutrizione e quella della mia famiglia in modo bilanciato. Grazie dottoressa per il percorso trascorso insieme e per tutto quello che mi ha insegnato.

    Martina M.




    Dopo tanti tentativi, non avrei mai creduto di riuscire a raggiungere il mio obbiettivo. La ringrazio dottoressa, non solo della dieta giusta, ma di avermi anche stimolato, provocato e accompagnato a continuare il percorso da obeso a normopeso. La ringrazio della sua sensibilità, disponibilità e soprattutto di avermi reso consapevole.



    Grazie alla grande professionalità della dottoressa Acquaviva, sono riuscita a perdere non solo 20 kg e raggiungere il mio peso forma, ma anche la fame nervosa e compulsiva che portavo dietro da anni. Ho ritrovato il piacere nel cibo e mi riconosco e apprezzo pienamente il mio corpo.

    Marina P.


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