Introducing myself

I am Annamaria Acquaviva, Dietitian Nutritionist and Pharmacist. I love my family, my job, healthy life.

I accompany people in a “transformation”, to bring out their maximum psychophysical potential and shine with an unprecedented form of beauty, which also reflects inner harmony.

To achieve this I formulated a scientific method based on lifestyle medicine, which I describe in the book HealthRevolution. The 5 pillars of health. Wellbeing and longevity according to the Acquaviva Method. A “tailor-made” path that combines personalized nutrition, inner harmony and cognitive well-being, physical activity, satisfying rest, nutritional and cosmetic integration.

I’m waiting for you on my social profiles, where I dedicate myself every day to telling the story of possible change. I will also talk to you about children’s health, to which I dedicated my first book and the activities of Health4Children, an initiative I founded.

Introducing myself

I am Annamaria Acquaviva, Dietitian Nutritionist and Pharmacist. I love my family, my job, healthy life.

I accompany people in a “transformation”, to bring out their maximum psychophysical potential and shine with an unprecedented form of beauty, which also reflects inner harmony.

To achieve this I formulated a scientific method based on lifestyle medicine, which I describe in the book HealthRevolution. The 5 pillars of health. Wellbeing and longevity according to the Acquaviva Method. A “tailor-made” path that combines personalized nutrition, inner harmony and cognitive well-being, physical activity, satisfying rest, nutritional and cosmetic integration.

I’m waiting for you on my social profiles, where I dedicate myself every day to telling the story of possible change. I will also talk to you about children’s health, to which I dedicated my first book and the activities of Health4Children, an initiative I founded.

health & Wellness Retreats

Health Revolution: reverse time, express your potential

Health Revolution
reverse time, express your potential

The retreats of the Acquaviva Method proposed at Palazzo di Varignana represent a transformative “journey” of remise en forme to express one’s potential, rediscover psychophysical harmony and mental energy, shine with an unprecedented form of beauty. A multi-night holiday to treat yourself to a change, to achieve harmony and healthy longevity.


Natural awakening
of your psycho-physical form.


Lose weight
with awareness and balance.

Deep Sleep

Good sleep helps
to live better.


A detoxifying experience
in complete relaxation.

Golden age

Gets better
your charm.

La dolce vita

Charm and well-being
of Italian savoir vivre.

Relax & Boost

Enhances physical performance
and mental at the table.

Elixir of longevity

Wellness and dedicated cuisine
of mindfulness.

Discover my publications

Click to find out all the titles of my books

Discover mine

Click to find out all the titles of my books

Health Revolution Blog

Interviews, stories and recipes
– cooking and more –
for well-being and longevity.


In this enchanting place, where I am scientific director, I gave life to the Health & Wellness Retreats Acquaviva, a series of programs lasting several nights to learn the method and achieve wellness goals.


If you would like information or want to make a reservation, leave me your message below. My team will respond as soon as possible!

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    The passion for my work is nourished by your words.

    Grazie dottoressa Acquaviva, senza sforzi ma divertendosi mio figlio ha imparato ad avere un’alimentazione sana. Ora verdura, legumi…. sono i benvenuti!

    Michela T.


    Sono venuta da Lecce per incontrare la Dottoressa Acquaviva. Già sapevo che era la persona giusta per me: dopo anni di diete, mi sono sentita ascoltata e trattata con molta umanità, lei ha compreso il mio problema. Ho perso tutto il peso in eccesso e oggi sono felice nel mio corpo. Grazie al suo metodo di lavoro non ho dovuto solo seguire “la dieta”, ma ho imparato a gestire la mia nutrizione e quella della mia famiglia in modo bilanciato. Grazie dottoressa per il percorso trascorso insieme e per tutto quello che mi ha insegnato.

    Martina M.




    Dopo tanti tentativi, non avrei mai creduto di riuscire a raggiungere il mio obbiettivo. La ringrazio dottoressa, non solo della dieta giusta, ma di avermi anche stimolato, provocato e accompagnato a continuare il percorso da obeso a normopeso. La ringrazio della sua sensibilità, disponibilità e soprattutto di avermi reso consapevole.



    Grazie alla grande professionalità della dottoressa Acquaviva, sono riuscita a perdere non solo 20 kg e raggiungere il mio peso forma, ma anche la fame nervosa e compulsiva che portavo dietro da anni. Ho ritrovato il piacere nel cibo e mi riconosco e apprezzo pienamente il mio corpo.

    Marina P.
