20 years of experience
I am a Dietician, Nutritionist and Pharmacist, passionate about all aspects of human health, primarily prevention and correct lifestyles.
I associate medicine based on scientific evidence with careful listening to my patient’s story, to understand him in his entirety, including the emotional sphere.
The Acquaviva Method that I created responds to the need to consider the person as a whole: nutrition is only the tip of the iceberg which, to be well managed, requires a synergistic strategy of different components.
The availability of new technologies that I apply on patients (check-ups, tests, devices), inspired by precision medicine, allow me to obtain the “identity card” of my patient’s health and study increasingly “tailor-made” programs.
I help people express their psychophysical potential and shine with new natural beauty (also a reflection of inner harmony) complemented by strategies to obtain physical shape and optimal body weight. To learn to “recognize” yourself, to love your own uniqueness.
I have a deep interest in “antiaging”. The identification of aging processes allows us to combat behaviors that lead to premature aging and the loss of vital energy.
Instead, winning strategies can guarantee beauty, health and longevity. For this reason I have formulated a scientific approach, the Acquaviva Method, to achieve full psychophysical well-being and the maximum of our biological potential.
To accompany you on a “transformative” journey that will lead you to become the “best version of yourself”… Are you ready?
Have a good trip!
My beloved grandfather and me.
My story
I come from a family of pharmacists. My grandfather was cheerful and altruistic, he soon became a reference for the care of many people. He researched drugs and developed galenic and herbal recipes which he prepared in his pharmacy, still collected today in the family recipe books. He repeated to me how fundamental it was to live a life useful to others. When I chose the Faculty of Pharmacy, I was inspired by him.
Having become a pharmacist, I realized that many were looking for a short way to get well in medicine and, by abusing the “chemistry”, they became even more ill. Hence my interest in prevention and healthy lifestyles, to seek not only a cure for the symptom, but to start from the origin of the problem (as Chinese medicine has done for centuries).
So, after a few years of training work in the pharmacy, I enrolled in Dietetics, a Medicine degree course, while I was pregnant with Francesco. During my hospital training I became passionate about food education projects aimed at severe obesity and diets for specific pathologies, studying useful strategies for regaining optimal body weight and improving health.
My beloved grandfather and me.
In the meantime I took care of Francesco. I dedicated my first book to him Children at the table. Almost a game! and it pushed me to think about how to help other children. In 2015, thanks to the late prof. Dino Amadori, scientific director of the IRST (Scientific Institute of Romagna for the Study and Treatment of Tumors), after whom the Institute is now named, I was able to carry out the scientific study: the “BATMAN Project” and communication projects dedicated to children , which I describe in my initiative “HEALTH4CHILDREN”.
Over the years I have collaborated with excellent health professionals who did not stop at treating the symptom and a single organ, but at understanding the mechanisms of interaction of biological systems, with attention to lifestyle: functional medicine, a holistic concept, which it allowed me to increase my knowledge and achieve excellent results even in complex situations.
I have always been passionate about transmitting to people what I find important by studying, also through social media, television and my Blog Health Revolution, precisely because discovering how pleasant a healthy lifestyle is and practicing it today is a real revolution!
At the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona with the Health Oscar received at the Italian Health Awards.