Health Revolution the 5 Pillars of Health

What is the secret to regaining your ideal weight, living well and longer?
Doctor Annamaria Acquaviva reveals tools and strategies to apply her scientific method based on the 5 pillars of health to achieve balance between body and mind, helping us face life’s challenges.

Bambini a tavola. Quasi un gioco!

It is the guide for children’s nutrition, simple, scientific, full of images and practical examples. You will find tips for organizing healthy meals throughout the day, with many practical examples, tricks and strategies to make them eat healthy and tasty and finally recipes for a day in the kitchen!

Colore è salute

A project created with Casa Walden and Conad supermarkets. By reading this book, through colours, you will go on a journey to discover fruit and vegetables, to bring flavour, color and above all… lots of health to the table!

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