HEALTH4CHILDREN is a non-profit initiative that promotes children’s health. Both as a professional and as a mother, for several years I have wanted to dedicate myself to promoting the health of children through HEALTH4CHILDREN: a volunteer initiative to prevent diseases and ensure optimal growth and development for children through a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
The book/Ebook is part of the initiative “Children at the table. Almost a game!”</a >, intended for Romagnolo Scientific Institute for the Study and Treatment of Tumors (IRST) and presented by Professor Dino Amadori, IRST director. Contains tips for organizing children’s healthy meals throughout the day, with practical examples, tricks, recipes and strategies to make them eat with gusto.
In 2016 I carried out a scientific study with IRST, the BATMAN Project. Through a body weight control program dedicated to overweight or obese children, I investigated the difficulties encountered by their families in practicing a healthy lifestyle. The results that emerged from this study were the start of various communication projects on the web, created thanks to the Romagna Oncology Institute and the collaboration of many colleagues throughout Italy, members of the scientific associations of Italian dieticians ANDID and ASAND: “IOR I EAT HEALTHY WITH MORE TASTE”< /a> ( ) and “SANO , RIGHT AND WITH TASTE!” (, aimed at educating children about balanced and sustainable nutrition and healthy exercise.
I thank the many people who have placed their trust in me over time and have collaborated and participated in these initiatives.